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=Media Literacy, Teaching and Learning And 21st Century Skills:=
=Media Literacy, Teaching and Learning And 21st Century Skills:=
===<i>SEMINAR TITLE: Student As Researcher, Producer and Publisher: New Media, Education, and Journalism</i>===   
===<i>SEMINAR TITLE: Student As Researcher, Producer and Publisher: New Media, Education, and Journalism</i>===   
<big>This wiki is a compilation of video and other resources from a 90-minute breakout seminar involving about 40 participants at the 2009 Media Literacy Conference: 21st Century Skills, held Saturday, Oct. 24, 2009, at MIT in Cambridge, Mass., and sponsored by [http://www.homeinc.org Home Inc.] and Project New Media Literacies at MIT.
*[http://www.mediagiraffe.org/wiki/index.php/Image:Mit-oct24.jpg  BACKGROUND ON CONFERENCE]
*[http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/2424863 VIDEO OF INTRO AND PART ONE OF THE SEMINAR]
<ul><ul><i>Higher-resolution versions of the videos may be launched below</i></ul></ul>
*[http://http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/2414526 VIDEO OF PART TWO OF THE SEMINAR]</h4>
The entire session (and at least one of the breakouts) will be videotaped and is ON THE RECORD.) We hope to stream it live, as well.
*CONVENOR: Bill Densmore, director/editor, [http://www.mediagiraffe.org The Media Giraffe Project] at UMass Amherst; fellow, [http://www.rjionline.org/ Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute,] Missouri School of Journalism
<big>In the last couple of years, a new term has been added to the lingo of media-literacy educators -- [http://www.mediagiraffe.org/wiki/index.php/Reboot-statement "news literacy."] What is news literacy and how does it related to now well-established world of media literacy? In a breathtakingly fast 90-minute overview, nine practioners provide specific examples of journalism in American secondary-school classrooms, including the latest uses of Internet technology. We'll stream and video archive this example-packed session. Bring your examples, too.
This workshop will look at the role of citizen journalism and new media has in teaching and learning and shaping the discussion about critical social, political and technical issues with K-12 students. We will explore the use of the web, blogs, on line surveys and other social media tools and how to apply the principles of journalism in shaping their use in the classroom.
*10:15 a.m.-10:20 a.m. -- Densmore intro / format explanation; ask participants to be thinking of logical breakouts, and explains there will be one chance
After quick videos, we'll dissolve into three breakouts, so we can all deep-dive into the presentors that are of most interest. These breakouts will last 20 minutes and will repeat, so you can attend two of three breakouts during the entire session. We'll then reconvene to share what we've learned and propose next steps. </big>
to "switch." I think I'd like the presenters to all start by sitting with the participants all about the room and as I call you each by name, you stand
up -- but only come forward after the one-minute videos). I think this will add a little drama, and emphasize that this is not a "panel discussion."
*10:20 a.m.-10:30 a.m. -- Remix of one-minute videos shown. Upload your one-minute video by Friday, Oct. 16, to YouTube with the tag "mithome09". Sarah
====Breakout notes====
Platanitis (413-530-7006 / anselblue@gmail.com) will download and remix them together with a title page between each. Please email her with your title
page info (10 words, max, with your name and location/affiliation) and a confirmation that you've uploaded to YouTube.
*10:30 a.m.-10:45 a.m. -- We all come forward. Bill Densmore goes to the white board and asks audience participants to shout out suggestions for
1. How to get started -- <b>Tools, technologies, practical steps.</b> With Melissa Wantz, Diana Mitsu Klos and Michael McSweeney and other presenters.  [http://www.mediagiraffe.org/wiki/index.php/Mithome09-getting-started NOTES FROM THE GETTING STARTED SESSION]<br>
conceptual tie-ins from what they've just seen; this discussion is interactive with the presenters.
-- Organically through this discussion, we learn a bit more about the context and background of some of the videos, projects and people represented.
-- By the end of 15 minutes, we've resolved into two-to-four breakouts appropriate to the overall participant-group size.
2. <b>Building virtual and real communities, and the student as civic participant.</b> with Dare Brawley, Melissa Wantz and Diana Laufenberg and other presenters. [http://www.mediagiraffe.org/wiki/index.php/Mithome09-participation NOTES FROM THE PARTICIPATION SESSION]<br>
-- Densmore asks each group to appointed a raccounteur who will be responsible for reporting back a summary of their discussion/conclusions/insights (and
emailing notes for wiki posting). Densmore assigns one or two presenters to each breakout group as discussion facilitator(s).
==HOW IT WORKS: The breakouts==
3. <b>The pedagogy of journalism -- integrating with legacy curricula.</b> With Michael McSweeney and Alan Weintraut and other presenters. [http://www.mediagiraffe.org/wiki/index.php/Mithome09-pedagogy NOTES FROM THE PEDAGOGY SESSION]
We'll have assigned a room (or a section of Room 335) where the two-to-four breakouts can meet. Each of we presenters will stick with our assigned
====About the convenor====
breakout through BOTH breakout periods.
*10:45 a.m.-10:50 a.m. -- Breakouts assemble
[http://newshare.typepad.com/about.html Bill Densmore] is director/editor of the [http://www.mediagiraffe.org Media Giraffe Project] at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, and the [http://www.newenglandnews.org New England News Forum.] He is a Fellow at the [http://www.rjionline.org Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute] at the Missouri School of Journalism. He is a co-founder of [http://www.circlabs.com CircLabs Inc.,] a Bay Area startup, which is developing a new way for users to discover, share, create, discuss and exchange value with publishers. Media Giraffe, launched in March 2005, in an effort to find and spotlight individuals making sustainable, innovative use of media (old and new) to foster participatory democracy and community.
*10:50 a.m.-11:10 a.m. -- First breakouts meeting. Be sure to ask everyone to give their name, affiliation, what they bring and what they want to learn.
Please circulate a sign-in sheet so we capture names and email addresses from those who are OK providing them.
*11:10 a.m..-11:15 a.m. -- Breakout switch (discussion can continue during this five-minute period, but there will be people coming and going and the
Before resolving into three breakouts, we watched 13 minutes worth of 90-second videos illustrating the efforts of our presenters from California to Virginia to Massachusetts ... to rural China.  
discussion leaders may have to repeat a bit of intro).
*11:15 a.m. -- 11:30 a.m. -- Second breakout period. Participants can switch breakout topics or stay where they are, as they wish. The point of this
===Topic: How to manage online comments===
exercise is to give people "permission" to divide their attention between two topics during the 45-minute breakout period.
*Melissa Wantz – all comments come to her mailbox first, but she is surprised that there is almost no nasty stuff.
*Online paper called the Wayland [Mass.] Student Press.  Most positive but a few have slammed kids. They don’t publish them. Some are anonymous. New this year your comments can no longer be anonymous.
11:30 a.m. -- Reconvene together in Room 335. Bill Densmore moderates.
*Alan Weintraut says this year their comments have to include an email address.  
*Ask each raccounteur for a one-minute summary of what was learned and what was decided for next steps(This, realistically, will probably take 10
*Steve Wilmarth: Comment threads can be easily set up so that they can be modifiedAlan’s point about empathy – learning from the process of empathy about how to behave as citizens.  
*For the final five minutes, a moderated discussion equally involving presenters and participants to answer this question: <br><br>
===What happens when student media reaches the larger world?===
<big>"Do we see the tools and
pedagogy necessary to help secondary students become critical, skeptical media users, smart, principled creators and engaged citizens? If not, what's
*Discussion about what happens when work students produce goes out the world, rather than the town or a school.
*In Swampscott, school authorities Ok with closed-circulate local cable, but have some concerns about web video.
*Steve Wilmarth: Only US schools are more censored than China.
Joanna --- Use [http://www.teachertube.com/ TeacherTube] instead of YouTube.
Media teacher in Watertown: Nothing but positive experiences. Superintendent very positive; YouTube is not blocked. Have sessions in interactive journalism.  New class: “Armedia” – http://armediawhs.blogspot.com/
<big>Here are what participants said they need:</big>
#Flip phone and how to use it
#Which of the group will talk about engagement with HS students with journalism in their communities.
#How to approach journalism without calling it journalism
#How to assess and grade these projects
#How do we get distribution – content seen  (see BeTheMedia handbook)
#DotSpots.com – new media tools for journalism come talk to him Aaron Leventhal
#How to balance money/equipment vs. greater outreach
#How to address liability, censorship / “barriers and challenges”
<h3>[http://www.mediagiraffe.org/wiki/index.php/Mithome09-schedule#LEARNING_.2F_NEXT_STEPS_.2F_THE_QUESTION THE 90-MINUTE SCHEDULE]</H3><BR>
<h4>[http://www.mediagiraffe.org/wiki/index.php/Mithome09-summaries MORE DETAILED INFO ABOUT OUR PRESENTERS]</h4>
*Dare Brawley is a high-school senior at the Poughkeepsie Day School i Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and editor of the school's feminist magazine called "Scarlet" created and read in grades 7-12. [mailto:airdare@gmail.com] / cell: (914) 475-7240
*Diana Mitsu Klos runs the the American Society of News Editor's high-school journalism program and support services, including the [http://my.hjs.org/default.aspx largest online hosting service] for multimedia-student generate news. [mailto:dmk@asne.org] / 703-453-1125
*[http://dlaufenberg.pbworks.com Diana Laufenberg], teaches at the [http://www.scienceleadership.org/drupaled/about Science Leadership Academy] in Philadelphia, and will talk about her [http://dlaufenberg.pbworks.comElection+Day+2008+Project election-day project] in which students recorded their impressions and involvement in the 2008 presidential election. Laufenberg was a participant in the Journalism That Matters conference, [http://www.mediagiraffe.org/wiki/index.php/Reboot-home "Rebooting the News,"] in October, 2008 at Temple University, and a signator of the [http://www.mediagiraffe.org/wiki/index.php/Reboot-statement "Consensus Statement on the Importance of News Literacy."] [mailto:dlaufenberg@gmail.com] / (928) 607-8142.
*Joanna Marinova is co-director of programs and operations at [http://www.presspasstv.org/about-us/ PressPassTV.org] in Boston. Press Pass TV is a youth-adult partnership non-profit whose mission is to produce socially responsible video journalism, which promotes a more diverse media, empowers communities, and increases civic engagement. [mailto:joanna@presspasstv.org] / work: 617-633-1659.
*Michael McSweeney is English department chair at Reading (Mass.) Memorial High School, where a new initiative asks all juniors to complete a podcast telling a community slice-of-life human-interest story. [mailto:m_mcsweeney@verizon.net] / work: 781-944-8200 ext. 337.
*Dean Miller is director of [http://www.sunysb.edu/journalism/cfnlaboutus.shtml The Center for News Literacy] in the Journalism School at Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, N.Y., and a former daily newspaper editor from Idaho and the Northern Rockies. A former Nieman Fellow at Harvard University, he advised students journalists while studying management and comparative religion.  [mailto:dsmiller@notes.cc.sunysb.edu] / (631) 632-1893. 
*[http://www.anselblue.com/about.html Sarah Platanitis] teaches journalism and English in Holyoke, Mass. Using Flip digital camera, her students will prepare a short video for Oct. 24. She is a graduate of the [http://hsj.org/Content.cfm?id=3 Reynolds High School Journalism Institute]. [mailto:anselblue@gmail.com] / (413) 530-7006.
*Melissa Wantz teaches at Foothill Technology High School in Ventura, Calif., where journalism -- all online -- is being re-introduced after a five-year hiatus. Wantz used [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joomla! Joomla!] to develop an [http://www.thefoothilldragon.org online news site <i>"The Foothill Dragon")]</i> incorporating social-networking tools, video, polls, comments, contests and including [http://www.FTHSjournalism.ning.com Ning,] Google wikis and Google docs for student peer editing. She is a graduate of the [http://hsj.org/Content.cfm?id=3 Reynolds High School Journalism Institute]. [mailto:melissa.wantz@gmail.com] / work: 805-289-0023 ext. 2602.
*Lynn Washington runs the Convergent Media Magnet Program at Richland Northeast High School in Columbia, S.C. The program combines newspaper, broadcast, yearbook and graphic design. She is also a Model United Nations Advisor. [mailto:lwashing@rnh.richland2.org] / (803) 699-2800 ext. 79751.
*Alan Weintraut teaches at Annandale High School in Fairfax County, Va., and was the Dow Jones High School Journalism Teacher of the Year two years ago. [mailto:ajweintraut@gmail.com] / (703) 642-4229. cell: 202-360-0080.
*Stephen Wilmarth, ran the [http://skills21.org/ Center for 21st Century Skills] in Connecticut for four years and helps MIT with  [http://http://civic.mit.edu/projects/community/new-school-student-ambassadors New School Student Ambassadors,] a program teaching media skills to secondary-school students in rural China as a way of [www.ph-int.org giving "voice"] to the disenfranchised. He lectures at Ningxia Radio & TV University, Ningxia Vocational Polytechnic University and Ningxia Teachers University. [mailto:stephen.wilmarth@gmail.com] / (860) 227-1225.
==WATCH SHORT-FORM VIDEOS (1-2 minutes each)==
* Melissa Wantz -- Venture, Calif. -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSNYH5FZH4A (Online HS news site)
* Joanna Marinova -- Boston, Mass. -- http://www.youtube.com/user/presspasstv#p/u/0/JydbsYkT3hI (PressPassTV)
* Diana Laufenberg -- Philadelphia, Penn. -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRaYe0B80AQ (students cover election)
* Michael McSweeney -- Reading, Mass. --  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSS_pGZiFCU (integrating journalism into English)
* Steve Wilmarth -- China and Westbrook, Conn. -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5cJ3iddYxc (teaching "journalism" to Chinese teens)
* Dean Miller -- Stony Brook, N.Y. -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCD0LKprCoU (News literacy curriculum)
* Dare Brawley -- Poughkeepskie, N.Y. --  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZccYjArVQpM (Topic-specific journalism in school)
* Sarah Platanitis -- Holyoke, Mass. -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NA0pKSQNbLM (Using Flip cameras)
* Sarah Platanitis' students on using a Flip camera -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuKdYfxQp-I (more Using Flip cameras)
* Alan Weintraut -- Annandale, Va. -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdMyS-quHqY (Innovative HS web news site)
*[http://www.mediagiraffe.org/wiki/index.php/Reboot-statement "A Consensus Statement About the Importance of News Literacy,"] from the [http://rebootingthenews.org <i>Rebooting the News</i> Conference] at Temple University, Oct. 24-25, 2008.
*More about the [http://www.hsj.org/Content.cfm?id=205 ASNE Reynolds Summer Journalism Institute]
*[http://www.newsliteracyconference.com/content/ "News Literacy: Setting a National Agenda"] -- Stony Brook conference March 11-13, 2009.
*VIDEO: [http://www.thenewsliteracyproject.org/blog/the_news_literacy_project_produces_new_video/ The News Literacy Project]: Students as teachers at Walt Whitman High School
*VIDEO: What is "news literacy?" The [http://www.mediagiraffe.org/node/671 Stony Brook experimental curriculum.]
*VIDEO: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9pYp2M4444&feature=channel Michael Moore on why gutting education has killed newspapers.] Does news/media literacy start to fix this problem?
*VIDEO: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh6s9gNoFro How to use a Flip video camera]
*VIDEO: [http://newshare.typepad.com/newshare/2009/10/video-harvard-prof-michael-sandel-on-why-news-reading-is-critical-to-citizenship-not-consumership.html Harvard Prof. Michael Sandel on why news reading is critical to citizenship -- not consumer-ship]
*[http://www.highschooljournalism.org/Content.cfm?id=3 Background on the ASNE Reynolds High School Journalism Institute]
*[ Participants in the ASNE Reynolds Institute.]
*[http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=search_playlists&search_query=mithome09&uni=1 Other YouTube videos tagged with mithome09]<br>

Latest revision as of 00:13, 26 October 2009

Media Literacy, Teaching and Learning And 21st Century Skills:


SEMINAR TITLE: Student As Researcher, Producer and Publisher: New Media, Education, and Journalism

This wiki is a compilation of video and other resources from a 90-minute breakout seminar involving about 40 participants at the 2009 Media Literacy Conference: 21st Century Skills, held Saturday, Oct. 24, 2009, at MIT in Cambridge, Mass., and sponsored by Home Inc. and Project New Media Literacies at MIT.

      • Higher-resolution versions of the videos may be launched below

    In the last couple of years, a new term has been added to the lingo of media-literacy educators -- "news literacy." What is news literacy and how does it related to now well-established world of media literacy? In a breathtakingly fast 90-minute overview, nine practioners provide specific examples of journalism in American secondary-school classrooms, including the latest uses of Internet technology. We'll stream and video archive this example-packed session. Bring your examples, too.

    This workshop will look at the role of citizen journalism and new media has in teaching and learning and shaping the discussion about critical social, political and technical issues with K-12 students. We will explore the use of the web, blogs, on line surveys and other social media tools and how to apply the principles of journalism in shaping their use in the classroom.

    After quick videos, we'll dissolve into three breakouts, so we can all deep-dive into the presentors that are of most interest. These breakouts will last 20 minutes and will repeat, so you can attend two of three breakouts during the entire session. We'll then reconvene to share what we've learned and propose next steps.

    Breakout notes

          1. How to get started -- Tools, technologies, practical steps. With Melissa Wantz, Diana Mitsu Klos and Michael McSweeney and other presenters. NOTES FROM THE GETTING STARTED SESSION
          2. Building virtual and real communities, and the student as civic participant. with Dare Brawley, Melissa Wantz and Diana Laufenberg and other presenters. NOTES FROM THE PARTICIPATION SESSION
          3. The pedagogy of journalism -- integrating with legacy curricula. With Michael McSweeney and Alan Weintraut and other presenters. NOTES FROM THE PEDAGOGY SESSION

    About the convenor

    Bill Densmore is director/editor of the Media Giraffe Project at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, and the New England News Forum. He is a Fellow at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute at the Missouri School of Journalism. He is a co-founder of CircLabs Inc., a Bay Area startup, which is developing a new way for users to discover, share, create, discuss and exchange value with publishers. Media Giraffe, launched in March 2005, in an effort to find and spotlight individuals making sustainable, innovative use of media (old and new) to foster participatory democracy and community.


    Before resolving into three breakouts, we watched 13 minutes worth of 90-second videos illustrating the efforts of our presenters from California to Virginia to Massachusetts ... to rural China.

    Topic: How to manage online comments

    • Melissa Wantz – all comments come to her mailbox first, but she is surprised that there is almost no nasty stuff.
    • Online paper called the Wayland [Mass.] Student Press. Most positive but a few have slammed kids. They don’t publish them. Some are anonymous. New this year your comments can no longer be anonymous.
    • Alan Weintraut says this year their comments have to include an email address.
    • Steve Wilmarth: Comment threads can be easily set up so that they can be modified. Alan’s point about empathy – learning from the process of empathy about how to behave as citizens.

    What happens when student media reaches the larger world?

    • Discussion about what happens when work students produce goes out the world, rather than the town or a school.
    • In Swampscott, school authorities Ok with closed-circulate local cable, but have some concerns about web video.
    • Steve Wilmarth: Only US schools are more censored than China.

    Joanna --- Use TeacherTube instead of YouTube.

    Media teacher in Watertown: Nothing but positive experiences. Superintendent very positive; YouTube is not blocked. Have sessions in interactive journalism. New class: “Armedia” – http://armediawhs.blogspot.com/


    Here are what participants said they need:

    1. Flip phone and how to use it
    2. Which of the group will talk about engagement with HS students with journalism in their communities.
    3. How to approach journalism without calling it journalism
    4. How to assess and grade these projects
    5. How do we get distribution – content seen (see BeTheMedia handbook)
    6. DotSpots.com – new media tools for journalism come talk to him Aaron Leventhal
    7. How to balance money/equipment vs. greater outreach
    8. How to address liability, censorship / “barriers and challenges”




    • Dare Brawley is a high-school senior at the Poughkeepsie Day School i Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and editor of the school's feminist magazine called "Scarlet" created and read in grades 7-12. [1] / cell: (914) 475-7240
    • Diana Mitsu Klos runs the the American Society of News Editor's high-school journalism program and support services, including the largest online hosting service for multimedia-student generate news. [2] / 703-453-1125
    • Diana Laufenberg, teaches at the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, and will talk about her election-day project in which students recorded their impressions and involvement in the 2008 presidential election. Laufenberg was a participant in the Journalism That Matters conference, "Rebooting the News," in October, 2008 at Temple University, and a signator of the "Consensus Statement on the Importance of News Literacy." [3] / (928) 607-8142.
    • Joanna Marinova is co-director of programs and operations at PressPassTV.org in Boston. Press Pass TV is a youth-adult partnership non-profit whose mission is to produce socially responsible video journalism, which promotes a more diverse media, empowers communities, and increases civic engagement. [4] / work: 617-633-1659.
    • Michael McSweeney is English department chair at Reading (Mass.) Memorial High School, where a new initiative asks all juniors to complete a podcast telling a community slice-of-life human-interest story. [5] / work: 781-944-8200 ext. 337.
    • Dean Miller is director of The Center for News Literacy in the Journalism School at Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, N.Y., and a former daily newspaper editor from Idaho and the Northern Rockies. A former Nieman Fellow at Harvard University, he advised students journalists while studying management and comparative religion. [6] / (631) 632-1893.
    • Sarah Platanitis teaches journalism and English in Holyoke, Mass. Using Flip digital camera, her students will prepare a short video for Oct. 24. She is a graduate of the Reynolds High School Journalism Institute. [7] / (413) 530-7006.
    • Melissa Wantz teaches at Foothill Technology High School in Ventura, Calif., where journalism -- all online -- is being re-introduced after a five-year hiatus. Wantz used Joomla! to develop an online news site "The Foothill Dragon") incorporating social-networking tools, video, polls, comments, contests and including Ning, Google wikis and Google docs for student peer editing. She is a graduate of the Reynolds High School Journalism Institute. [8] / work: 805-289-0023 ext. 2602.
    • Lynn Washington runs the Convergent Media Magnet Program at Richland Northeast High School in Columbia, S.C. The program combines newspaper, broadcast, yearbook and graphic design. She is also a Model United Nations Advisor. [9] / (803) 699-2800 ext. 79751.
    • Alan Weintraut teaches at Annandale High School in Fairfax County, Va., and was the Dow Jones High School Journalism Teacher of the Year two years ago. [10] / (703) 642-4229. cell: 202-360-0080.
    • Stephen Wilmarth, ran the Center for 21st Century Skills in Connecticut for four years and helps MIT with New School Student Ambassadors, a program teaching media skills to secondary-school students in rural China as a way of [www.ph-int.org giving "voice"] to the disenfranchised. He lectures at Ningxia Radio & TV University, Ningxia Vocational Polytechnic University and Ningxia Teachers University. [11] / (860) 227-1225.

    WATCH SHORT-FORM VIDEOS (1-2 minutes each)